Press reviews, recommendations

"From three soloist acting in a concert, Alexander Chernov, probably already most formed musician. Per the 19 years-twice winner the international competitions: named by Vladimir Krainev(first place plus the premium of an orchestra "the Virtuoses of Moscow") and "adult"-prestigious Jose Iturbi competition (Spain). Bright, romantic inspiration by Chernov (we shall not forget: Alexander - the student of a class of the professor Evgeny Levitan, past in time school of Bertha Marantz and Stanislav Neugaus) in a combination convincing treatment of the First concert by Peter Tchaikovsky. We have to add: the compositions one of the more difficult, requiring great strain, concert endurance, remarkable stock of musician "durability"... Well and what the conductor, orchestra? Is thought, musician "wisdom" was to the full shown by madam Sarah Caldwell in comprehension "Rules of game", according to which musicians should at performance of the so bright concert compositions to see in the foreground the soloists. Opportunities to open itself from the best party were given to the young musicians by the conductor to the full, and they were realized by them wholly".

("Ural News")

"-In your present tour pays on itself attention one more one sign: joint performances with the young talented musicians. How the idea of such project was born?

-Really, we have included in the present program performance of the Alexander Chernov-student of the Ural Concervatory, class of the professor Evgueni Levitan. He was the soloist at performance of a Concert â„–9 for a piano with an orchestra By Mozart.

-He like your ward? Five years back on Vladimir Krainev competition the young Ekaterinburg pianist, then being the schoolboy of special musical school - has received the first premium and special prize of "The Virtuoses of Moscow".

-Alexander at this time played perfectly. It is a pity, that to execute of Mozart to him it was necessary on the tool leaving to wish it be better. Inclusion of his performance in the program is connected with first of all to our aspiration to help to give young artist enter the large art to appear noticed..."

(From interview with Vladimir Spivakov, "Podrobnosti")

In my hands number of the Spanish newspaper "Levante ". In a photo - four winners VIII of the international competition of the pianists of a name Jose Iturbi. Two beautiful young ladies in a long black dress, serious the young man in glasses and strict tuxedo. And near to them as especially young the boy in a white shirt looks. It is Alexander Chernov, schoolboy of 11 class of special musical school at the Ural conservatory. Recently we already began to get used that the talented violinists, pianists, periodically win on the most various competitions. Chernov in March of 1992 year already became the winner of the international competition of the young pianists of a name Vladimir Krainev, having received together with the first place also and prestigious premium of an orchestra " the Virtuoses of Moscow ".

But for all that there was in autumn in the Spanish city Valencia, an event from especial. Judge. "... Russian Alexander Chernov and China Ping Gao have divided 4th premium (1st was not awarded not-L.B.). First, over whom it have handed, was Chernov. In the ending he wonderfully played the Second concert by S. Rachmaninov. Let's not forget, that he's only 17 . In this age, probably, it is necessary to be ingeniously gifted, that so to play this music, for which performance besides maturity and skill is necessary as well as and physical power. To reach up to Final in those conditions, in which Chernov here has appeared, would manage very much few... " It I quote at the same "Levante". " To reach the Final... ". For Chernov, received the invitation to one of more famous piano competitions in Europe spent time per three years, as well as for his teacher managing faculty of the Ural conservatory Evgueni Levitan , it meant to decide weight of problems, apparently, unsoluble. Well, for example, to find huge means and there to go (here personal thank to regional Department of culture and Russian-French enterprise "Quorus", directors Andrey Bril,Boris Shimanovich).

And having got in Valencia to understand, that here Russian anybody personally to be engaged is not going, became to be, to care of a settlement (" At us here weight hotel - choose anyone! "), about meal and about all that on the some Russian and European competitions the organizers incur, it was necessary only itself. Well and then - competition. " To reach the Final " for the Ekaterinburg schoolboy meant to enter competition with forty musicians from Germany, Italy, Belgium, France, China and other countries, many of which already have a lot of a laureate rank and are in the age of about 30. To win favors of jury incorporating rector of the Parisian conservatory, professor from Holland, USA, Israel, Poland. At last, adequately to leave from the difficult situation which has arisen before the third round. On conditions of competition here it was necessary to play the composition of the composer XX of century. In the authorized by competition secretariat program of Chernov there was Third sonata by S.Prokofiev. But is unexpected at jury there were doubts, as was born S.Prokofiev in 1891 and ostensibly not absolutely belongs XX to century. Certainly, it was possible to convince and to prove, that the Prokofiev-up-to-date composer, that nine years of a role do not play.

But he was decided to work in another way. On the previous competition Alexander played "Scherzo" of the modern Ukrainian composer Ludmila Shukailo. Without the notes (!), in the emergency order he has recollected and has played this work. Probably, that small feat can be estimated really only by with the musicians well representing, that means of half-year " to not hold in hands " a piece of music. Ending was, in essence, final concert, on which the places among past on it four of the winners were finally distributed. There was huge, on seven thousand places, a music hall an amphitheater Palau de la Musica de Valencia of music with a stage in the middle, as in a circus filled with the spectators and TV with engineering. There was a present large success after Rachmaninov piano concert... "Probably, I never before had of such status of enthusiasm, complete inspiration, freedom, even any exaltation", recollect Alexander-"is not present, fear, any embarrasment did not feel. And you see, in general, for the first time played with an orchestra. And the contact to the conductor was adjusted quickly, music - for all that really universal language of dialogue. How I have got in this school? I was resulted with my mum. Is not present, she not the musician, but very sensitive to music the man and sometimes understands more, than any professional. She has guessed in me abilities, she has helped to go through the rather complex period, when I in general wanted to leave school, music, but it was for a long time... So it was possible, that I studied at the different teachers and only two two years back has got in a class to my professor Evgueni Levitan..

I consider it was very much lucky, in it there was like destiny. I had creative and pianist development in a new highest level, you see Levitan has changed all my musical thinking, about pianist art, has forced me in a new fashion to play and, main, has put before me definite purposes. All my achievements of last time - it, certainly, his merit. And in Spain Еugene Aleksandrovich has protected me from all except music, I only was practicing. By a word, I am very grateful to him." Alexander for one minute reflects and not at once responds on my following question. And I mentally wish to him for a long time to keep in myself this perfect feeling of gratitude. In nearest plan -it is necessary more a lot of work : it is necessary to expand repertoire, to take possession of many secrets of favourite work. Besides the invitations to participation in concerts in Israel and USA are received. For now, if it will come true, in the spring we’ll have the meeting with Second Piano concert by Rachmaninov in performance twice of laureat of the international competitions.

("Abak-press" by materials of "Levante")