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Words of WelcomeGreetings and Thanks I welcome everybody, who has visited my site. Life of a man can go on in different ways; there can hardly be found similar biographies or ways of life, or creative routes. Perhaps any life consists of many steps or periods both big and small and the aim of any progressive thinking person is to strive from one period for another, the better and the higher one. Nevertheless at any step (may be even at the last one) there comes a day when it is necessary to look back at the previous period of life and to remind the people and the meetings with those great people who have been nearby during all you life. I am convinced that in the fate of every person whether he is a musician or of another occupation there exist such people who somehow or other accompanied him and helped him to become professional in different periods of his life. Here on this page I would like to express my thanks, gratitude and appreciation to all those people who have played a very important role in my life, who have made of me what I am today. First and foremost I would like to thank those who took and is taking an active part in my creative and professional fate, the people who I am very much obliged to:
I am grateful to those who have influenced me by their art and supported:
I want to thank all my relatives and friends, my teachers at the Ural Musical College and the Ural State Conservatoire named after M. Mussorgsky, the Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmony as well as
I would like to thank those who believed in me and supported:
My gratitude for support to my friends:
My best wishes and regards to all my listeners.
I would like to wish everybody good luck and much happiness in meeting with Her Majesty Music, which is always with us, which accompanies us and directs us in every new revelation we are all striving at.
Respectfully Yours, Alexander Chernov. |
HomeBiographyTeacher TreeRepertoireSolo Program Photo GalleryMedia ArchiveReviews, recommendationsWords of WelcomeNewsLinks Contacts ® Alexander Chernov. 2001 - 2012. All rights reserved Site developed: Izumno.ru |